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Solid Waste Management Services in Bangalore

Solid Waste Management Services in Bangalore – Sewaf provide solid waste management services including bio mining, processing of municipal  waste etc,.

Solid Waste Management Services in Bangalore – Sewaf Energy one of the largest municipal solid waste management operations in Bangalore , is responsible for collecting, transporting, processing, composting and disposing of municipal and some private sector waste. This includes garbage, Blue Bin recyclables, Green Bin organics, yard waste, oversized and metal items, as well as household hazardous waste and electronic waste.

The Division Manages Four Collections Of Yards

Solid Waste Management Services is responsible for collecting, transporting, processing, composting and disposing of municipal and some private sector solid waste, including garbage, recyclables, organics, yard waste, electronics and household hazardous waste. The Division manages four collections yards, one maintenance yard, seven transfer stations, six household hazardous waste depots, two organics processing facilities, Green Lane Landfill and 160 former landfills.

The Division’s customers include:

Approximately 870,000 homes and non-residential establishments

  • 462,000 single family residential (includes 11,000 residential units above commercial)
  • 400,000 multi-residential units
  • 7,500 non-residential establishments (includes small businesses, charities, institutions and religious organizations)
  • Schools, City Divisions, Agencies and Corporations
  • Approximately 10,000 street litter/recycling bins
  • 10,000 garbage and recycling bins in City parks
  • 1,000 Special Events per year
  • Private Industrial, Commercial and Institutional waste accepted at Drop-off Depots and landfill

Customer Service & Waste Diversion Operations

The Customer Service & Waste Diversion Operations section was established to support the Division in its goal of improving customer service and implementing new diversion initiatives.

Collections & Litter Operations

This section provides collection of garbage, Blue Bin recycling, Green Bin organics, yard waste, over-sized and metal goods for single family homes, multi-residential properties, non-residential customers (e.g. charities), the City’s divisions, agencies and corporations, institutions and small commercial establishments.

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Superb work... excellent
Premrajan Pandiaraj
Premrajan Pandiaraj
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sundar Manu

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